Our Rooms

Our Rooms

Our approach to the curriculum is flexible and adaptable in order to meet the needs of each child and their stage of development.

Little Acorns (0-2 years)

Our warm and cosy baby room provides a safe and stimulating environment for babies to explore a range of sensory experiences.

Full and part time care is offered for babies from 3 months of age. We have very high staffing to allow our staff to offer a high level of care and attention that we feel that babies deserve at this age.

Leaves (2-3 years) & Oaks (3+ years)

Leaves and oaks have an open plan area designed to promote independence and learning through play. Both age groups benefit from a range of continuous provision to ensure they explore a range of activities.


The Leaves will take part in a range of activities to promote concentration and listening skills. Through these different activities’ children will also start to develop their number, colour and shape recognition.


The Oaks have dedicated group ad one-to-one times to support them in their development of the Early Years Foundation (EYFS) Curriculum. This time allows the children to explore and develop their early literacy and numeracy skills through a range of activities, for example Magic Maths and Jolly Phonics. They will also develop their sharing and turn taking skills and independence skills are also encouraged throughout the day, which will help them to become school ready when the time approaches.



The children at Amazing Acorns love exploring their outdoor space that can be accessed in all weathers. Our outdoor area offers a great space for outdoor learning in all areas. We have a ‘messy’ area that offers children the opportunity to explore the mud kitchen, sand and water play and painting to name but a few!! There is also space to allow children to explore their physical development and areas available for quiet time to rest and relax on beanbags to explore books or small world play.